Human Trafficking Awareness Training
Human trafficking is the fastest-growing organized crime business and the third-largest criminal enterprise in the world. Human trafficking is often thought of as something that happens across international borders, but unfortunately, it also happens in America – every single day. The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that approximately 17,500 persons are trafficked into the United States every year, and the FBI ranks human trafficking as the second most profitable criminal enterprise, following drug trafficking and tied with arms trafficking. The most common form of human trafficking is sexual exploitation (79%). While all these statistics may seem daunting, once you know the realities of human trafficking, you’re better prepared to raise awareness and start taking action.
California Criminal Justice Law SB 970: Human Trafficking
Now, thanks to a new law in California, awareness about human trafficking will grow. SB970 is a new law that requires hotels and motels subject to the Fair Employment and Housing Act to provide at least 20 minutes of effective, interactive training and education regarding human-trafficking awareness to each employee who is likely to interact of come into contact with victims of human trafficking. The responsibility of this law falls into the purview of employers, but the experts at Bridge Safety Consultants are here to help. We offer comprehensive training for the prevention of sex trafficking for hotels. Our training is informative, interactive, and helps you and your business abide by this new law.
According to the new law, this training must be completed by Jan. 1, 2020, for workers employed as of July 1, 2019, and within six months of hire for workers employed after July 1, 2019. Beginning in 2020, an employer must provide human-trafficking awareness training and education once every two years to employees including, but not limited to, employees who have reoccurring interactions with the public, such as employees who work in a reception area, perform housekeeping duties, help customers in moving their possessions, or drive customers.
In-Person Training On-Site at Motels and Hotels
Our trainings send a clear message to your employees by relaying a consistent message across the company about the new law and how to follow it. There will be awareness-raising and tips for prevention that will empower your employees to know how to handle any potential human-trafficking related issue that may arise. Furthermore, these trainings can encourage a sense of community, by allowing various actors in your company to participate and interact together.
SB970 is very specific about what the training must include and Bridge Safety Consultants ensure trainings follow the law. Trainings must cover definitions of human trafficking and commercial exploitation of children; how to identify individuals most at-risk for human trafficking; the difference between sex trafficking and labor trafficking in the hotel sector; how to report and respond to suspected human trafficking; and the contact information for the appropriate agencies, including the National Trafficking Hotline toll-free number (888) 373-7888) and text number (233733), as well as local law enforcement.
The hospitality industry is well-positioned to report suspected human trafficking activity. As the author of SB970 wrote, “hotels are ground zero for all forms of human trafficking in California.” Bridge Safety Consultants offer training that helps identify trafficking indicators and signs so that you and your employees ensures that this illegal activity is not taking place at your business. Because hotel and motel staff may be the only people who see or interact with the victims aside from their traffickers, lawmakers and industry groups alike hope that proper training will help identify criminal activity that would otherwise fly under the radar.
To speak to our Training Manager, contact us HERE
National Human Trafficking Awareness Day is January 11th, 2020 – what are you doing about it!